Git Gud - Open-source git-themed card game

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Welcome to the official page of Git Gud, the open-source, git-themed card game that challenges your software development and version control skills in a fun and interactive way.

Gameplay Image Game Cards Image

Explore the mechanics, dive into the strategic gameplay, and become the ultimate Git master. Check out the game on our GitHub repository.

This game is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to share, adapt, and contribute.

How to Play Git Gud - The Rules

Embark on a quest to become the ultimate Git master. Start with 7 cards and 12 bugs - because let's face it, code is more bug than code. Your goal? Reduce your bugs to zero and avoid being the one who has to "git gud".

Remember, every turn is a chance to either patch your code or pass the problem. May the odds be ever in your favor, or may you find solace in Stack Overflow.